Becoming an Affiliate

How to start a TIP Affiliate

A Local Organizing Committee (LOC) is formed. Ideally, this committee is comprised of public safety personnel, hospital personnel, elected officials and prominent citizens. With materials and support from TIP National, the LOC performs the following activities:

  • Conducts a needs assessment in the local community (Is there a need for a TIP Program?).

  • Obtains “buy in” from local emergency agencies to support the TIP program once established.

  • Identifies funding sources for operation of the local TIP Affiliate.

  • Identifies a local organizer who works with TIP National to complete start up activities (recruiting volunteers, setting up Training Academy, etc.)

  • Conducts the Volunteer Training Academy in the local community.

  • Graduates the first class of TIP volunteers.

Operating Phase

For the first 2 years of operation, TIP National serves as the administrative organization for the local chapter. TIP National…

  • Hires a Crisis Team Manager to manage the program.

  • Provides leadership and operations training to the Crisis Team Manager.

  • Trains emergency personnel to utilize the program.

  • Begins offering TIP services to the local community.

  • Incorporates the local chapter as an Independent TIP Affiliate.