Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc
TIP National
When tragedy happens, TIP is there.
Trauma Intervention Programs Inc. (TIP) is a national non-profit organization founded in 1985. TIP has 15 affiliates serving over 250 cities across the nation. Each affiliate uses specially trained volunteers to respond to traumatic incidents to support survivors and their families in the first few hours following a tragedy.
TIP has received the prestigious Innovations Award in State and Local government from Harvard University and Ford Foundation, the Crime Victim Service Award from the US Justice Department and the Governor's Victim Service Award from the State of California.
TIP Volunteers are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. They are called by police officers, firefighters, paramedics, and hospital personnel to assist family members and friends following a natural or unexpected death; survivors of violent crime including rape, assault, robbery, or burglary; survivors of fire; disoriented or lonely elderly persons; people involved in motor vehicle accidents; people who are distraught and seeking immediate support; and survivors of suicide.
Our Mission
Our volunteers provide emotional first aid to survivors of tragedy in order to ease their immediate suffering and facilitate their healing and long term recovery.
Support for Communities
Survivors of tragedy get a higher level of care because TIP is involved. TIP contributes more than 60,000 hours of volunteer time per year to the community. Having TIP on a scene lowers the stress level of emergency workers and helps them focus on the details of their job.
When Tragedy Strikes
When Tragedy Strikes is a website devoted to giving you the information you need to cope with a tragic event. When Tragedy Strikes focuses on providing you with information we believe can assist you in the first few days following the event.

Resources for those grieving the loss of a loved one, or know someone who is ...
"The volunteer from TIP was so valuable to me and my daughter when my husband passed suddenly. Thank you for providing this to our community."
— TIP Client